Happy Sketchiversary!

Hey hey, it’s the comic’s ninth anniversary! Can you believe I’ve been doing it that long? Sure, things have been pretty sparse this year, but I’m still sticking with it if you are.

And hey, it’s getting on to Christmas time. Want some original Chuck art for a present? Drop me a line at crookedhalo42 (at) gmail dot com and I’ll be more than happy to work something out.

Civic Duty

What with Covid-19 and all, we decided to be cautious this year and do mail-in ballots. Mind you, we’re not putting them in the mailbox; rather, we’re delivering them to the dropbox at the county government center, just to be sure.

Self-Inflicted Haircut

We gave ourselves haircuts over the weekend! I did the Wife’s hair, and then my sister-in-law did the back of my head and I did the rest. It’s actually not that short, and I’m pretty pleased with it overall. Considering the whole thing was done with clippers, it turned out pretty nice.